Company mobility 
service for home-to-work 

BusForFun Business is the leading 
Mobility Company in Europe for sustainable 
and integrated mobility solutions.

Rappresentazione stilizzata di un bus Rappresentazione stilizzata di un bus

Discover the most suitable solution for your company's employees.

Map showing delays and inconveniences that occurred before bus for fun Map showing how bus for fun solves organizational problems

Main benefits

86% pick-up points
at maximum 5km.

+200kg of
CO2 saved

84% bus capacity

Other perks

Simplicity, technology 
and 360° sustainability

We work smart for the employee’s well-being, 
for companies and for the environment.


During this first phase, we collect and analyze information through targeted surveys on the company population and our business intelligence algorithm to identify employee needs, build trips and routes with a view to saving money, fuel and CO2 emissions.

with mobility plan

The mobility plan is uploaded to the online booking platform where it will be possible to display the service timetables, routes and loading points with a view to multi-location service. In addition, we offer the possibility of customized branding for the vehicles of our fleet.

& Reporting

We look for constant optimization; that’s why we release quarterly reports shared with the company, in which the optimization of CO2 emissions and the economic savings produced by the lines are analyzed in detail with the possibility of modifying and implementing different solutions.

assem logo
bol on ice logo
fondazione cortina logo
commissione europea logo
milano marathon logo
run rome the marathon logo
step logo
università degli studi della campania logo

Our best for the best environment

Stylized representation of a bus

BusForFun Business is constantly committed to minimizing CO2 emissions to improve the environmental responsibility of each client company. Our goal is to reach Net Zero by 2030, with the transition to a full-electric and H2 fleet with our national network of operating partners.

With our commuting services, a leading multinational in telecommunications, it has generated savings of 64,170 kg of CO2* which is equivalent to 321,000 km, equal to 8 revolutions of the Earth.

A saving of 64,170 kg of CO2*

*Sources: Inemar - Legambiente - Treedom 
from May to December 2022

Stylized representation of a bus

Stay up-to-date and download our latest paper and the sustainability report.

Contact us and discover the best custom solution for your company.
  • Via Jacopo Salamonio, 3 (30175) Venice – Italy
  • Viale De Pietro, 17 (73100) Lecce - Italy
  • Corso di Porta Romana, 61 (20122) Milan - Italy
  • C/o European Commission - Joint Research Center (21027) Ispra (VA) - Italy
  • Via Somaini, 10 (6900) Lugano - Switzerland
  • Plaza de Cataluña, 1 (08002) Barcelona - Spain

Discover the most suitable solution for your company's employees.

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